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Picasso of Bonsai & an American Grafting Master


 Roy Nagatoshi grafted the Shimpaku foliage onto this masterpiece 700 year old yamadori California juniper that Dan Robinson collected and continues to grow and develop (provided Dan still owns it). You can find a lot more about this and dozens of other ancient masterpieces in Gnarly Branches, Ancient Trees, Will Hiltz wonderful book about Dan (the Picasso of bonsai) and his ongoing love affair with bonsai and nature.

This post* started out to be about the bonsai and grafting skills of Roy Nagatoshi but somewhere along the way I rediscovered the truly remarkable photo above and couldn’t resist leading with it. Though the tree belongs to Dan Robinson, Roy and his expert hand and eye played their part


Roy Nagatoshi's California juniper at the Nam Pu Kai Bonsai Club show. Photo by Keith Martin

A massive old Pomegranate from Roy Nagatoshi's nursery. This photo and one immediately below were borrowed from Capital Bonsai. The three fingers in the closeup below provide a pretty good idea of just how big this tree is




Roy enjoying himself

*Most of this post originally appeared here on Bark in 2017  

New Year Special - Everything* Marked Down


New Year Special - Everything* Marked Down
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While you're here you might want to look at our Bonsai Essentials
They're All* Marked Down, Some 50% or More

 *The are 8 items out of approximately 600 total, that are not marked down


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