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The Beginning of Bonsai Time


1harry9A study in simple beauty. The tree is a European beech (Fagus sylvatica) that belongs to Harry Harrington, and the well chosen pot is by Erin pottery.

The title of this post might be a little misleading, so we’ll call it poetic license (or maybe a metaphor?). Anyway, continuing our Harry Harrington theme, we’ll take a journey back to our first two Harry posts. The first is from March, 2009, Bark’s second month in existence, and the second is from August, 2011.


This Goldflame Japanese Spirea (Spiraea japonica ‘Goldflame’) was originally dug from a  garden in the UK. It was styled by Harry Harrington. It's from our first post on Harry's bonsai, March, 2009, back in the day when we often featured just a single photo per post. You can view it and numerous other noteworthy bonsai at Harry's


Raft style privet. Originally collected from an old hedge.


1Harry11Hetzii juniper. Pot by Erin pottery

B1-2HARRYHarry's excellent books provide numerous examples
 of how-to transform inexpensive (or no cost) stock
 into quality bonsai
1harry8Downy birch (Betula pubescens). This one was over 20 feet (6 plus meters) tall when Harry collected it. Now it's 21" (53 cm)


1harry6The ultimate in simplicity. It's a Himalayan juniper (Juniperus squamata)


harry10-Close up of a Tamarix.  This tree started as a taperless stump (see below)


Earlier stages of the Tamarix just above

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