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What Was Missing?



Javi Campos Juan's caption reads Tenía falta? The translation is "Was it missing?" That didn't seem quite right so I checked with Free Translation, which came up with "What was missing?" Anyway, sweet tree (no variety given) and well chosen pot. 

I’ve been follow Javi Campos Juan for a long time, but have only featured his bonsai twice and the last time was over a year ago, so we’re overdue. The images and captions are from Javi’s  facebook timeline.


Before. Time to rootprune and repot. BTW, those are exceptionally vigorous looking feeder roots.



After. Reddish pot, reddish new leaves and even some reddish bark



Estaba tan entretenido con estas chucherías que se me olvidó la foto de las raíces. Here's facebook's translation... "I was so entertained with these trinkets (???) that I forgot the picture of the roots." The ??? is mine.
 Mirto desde esqueje. Maceta Bigei,definitiva esta preciosa Seiko. "Myrtle from sapling. Pot, definitive this beautiful Seiko." Oh well...

javi potpainted

Javi's caption with this and the photo below...
 PROXIMAMENTE NUEVAS MACETAS DE AUTOR!!,koyo,Reiho,Yamafusa...y otras especiales.
 Your turn to translate!javipot

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