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World Peace Through Bonsai


Here’s Makiko Koba’s caption for the Chojubai Japanese flowering Quince pictured here and just below… “Beautiful Chaenomeles japonica 'Chojubai' created by Mr. Hiroaki Suzuki. This tree received the Nippon Bonsai Association prize at the Sakufu exhibition 2019. These pics are taken in Mr. Shinji Suzuki's bonsai garden. Be strong 💪 Keep on smiling.”

We’ve got a new one today, at least for me. Her name is Makiko Kobayashi, though on FB it’s just Makiko Koba. She bills herself as a Bonsai writer and coordinator and her tagline is ‘World Peace Through Bonsai’ I discovered her on FB while perusing Bonsai Boon (one of my favorite destinations) and was immediately taken by the some of the bonsai and topics beyond bonsai, that she posts. Enjoy!

Speaking of ‘World Peace Through Bonsai’ it’s also the tagline for the World Bonsai Friendship Federation. And why not? There’s not much better in this world than peace and friendship. So in the spirit of a New Year, may you and yours, and everyone else, enjoy your fair share of both in the coming year and beyond.

More brilliant color. This Pyracantha displayed at the Taikan-ten exhibition 2018.

LifeStyles of the Rich and Famous. Or perhaps just an excellent bonsai in an usual setting. This photo is originally from Toshiyuki Okamura. Makiko's caption is simply... “Oh, wow!”  

Not bonsai, but beautiful nevertheless. I’ve been fortunate to see some great quilt art in my days, mostly by associating with the right person, and the more I see the more I have come to appreciate the creative scope, technical expertise and outright brilliance of the art. ホテル雅叙園東京 「 百段階段 」 Hotel Gajoen Tokyo 「 Hyakudan Kaidan 」

Makiko again… “Gajo-en located in the center of Tokyo is definitely one of my favorite places to visit. So beautiful old historical residence is now loved as the exclusive hotel.”  Here’s part of the hotel’s caption… “We also exhibit competition award-winning works at the Japanese Quilt exhibition that illuminates cultural properties.”

You can visit Makiko on facebook.

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